My life long dream has been to paint for a living. It is my vocation and my life blood. Now that my children have grown and I have become a grandfather, the time to make that dream a reality is here. My favorite subjects are scenes of the Texas Trans-Pecos including the Big Bend region and the Texas Hill Country.
Master Signature Member of the Artists of Texas
Member Outdoor Painter Society

Reds in Bloom$359.00
Road to the Hill Country$359.00
Hill Country$499.00
The Return of May$5,000.00
View from the Plateau$4,500.00
Fair Warning$2,950.00
East of Rock Springs$1,750.00
A Little South of Marathon$1,750.00
Early Spring in Texas$750.00
Looks like Rain$500.00
Rain over Castolon$599.00
Tule Mountain$750.00